Statistical Publications

E.g., 2024-09-27
E.g., 2024-09-27
Publications Release Datesort ascending Sector
Eye-Outpatient Statistics Report 2019 Jan 2024 Health
Gross Domestic Product Third Quarter of 2023 Dec 2023 National Accounts
Stats Update September 2023 Dec 2023 Labour
Population Housing Census 2022: Key Demographics and Socio-Economic Indicators Dec 2023 Demography
Index of The Physical Volume Of Mining Production Q3 2023 Stats Brief 2023 Dec 2023 Industry
Electricity Generation & Distribution Stats Brief, Third Quarter 2023 Dec 2023 Industry
Botswana Food Imports October 2023 Dec 2023 Merchandise Trade Statistics
The Statistical Year Book 2020-21 Dec 2023 Prices Statistics
International Merchandise Trade Statistics October 2023 Dec 2023 Merchandise Trade Statistics
Secondary School Stats Brief 2020 V2 Dec 2023 Education
Producer Price Index (Mining and Utilities) Quarter 2 of 2023 Dec 2023 Prices Statistics
Producer Price Index (Mining and Utilities) Quarter 3 of 2023 Dec 2023 Prices Statistics
Consumer Price Index November 2023 Dec 2023 Prices Statistics
Quarterly Multi-Topic Survey, Q3 2023 Summary Headline Labour Force Indicator Dec 2023 Labour
Nutritional Status of Children Under Five in Botswana 2009-2017 Dec 2023 Poverty
National Energy Use Survey Stats Brief 2023 Dec 2023 Environment
Botswana Food Imports September 2023 Dec 2023 Merchandise Trade Statistics
Outpatient Mental Health Disorders 2019 Dec 2023 Health
Botswana Causes of Mortality 2020:Health Facility Mortality Data Dec 2023 Health
International Merchandise Trade Statistics September 2023 Nov 2023 Merchandise Trade Statistics
