Prices Statistics


The information include consumer price index and national inflation rate. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures price changes in goods and services with reference to a base period. The current Botswana CPI series has a base period of December  2018. Consumer Price Index (CPI) is computed using the Modified Laspeyres method which is in line with regional and international recommendations.

Prices Statistics information is useful for formulation of socio-economic and monetary policies, quantifying the purchasing power of the Pula in relation to goods and services, over time in Botswana.

Prices Statistics
Headline Inflation January 20252.5
Cities and Towns2.1
Urban Villages2.5
Rural Villages3.0
Domestic Tradable inflation4.6
Imported Tradable inflation1.6
Tradable inflation2.4
Non-Tradable inflation2.5