Statistics is concerned with the collection, classification, analysis, interperetation and presentation of numeraical data. Statistics utilises data from a population in order to describe it meaningfully, draw conclusions from it, and make informed decisions. The population may be an organisation, community, district, country, or even a phenomenon such as climate.
Official Statistics
Official Statistics are published and/or endorsed by government agencies or public enterprises/parastatals, as it is the case in Botswana. They provide quantitative information on all major areas of the people of a country such as social and economic development, health, education, the environment, employment and poverty amongst others. Official Statistics are public goods, and are therefore available for and accessible to the general public. All people, including the marginalized and vulnerable can access information on social and economic development, allowing the impact of government policies and programs to be assessed, thus improving accountability. Official Statistics enable all stakeholders to plan, formulate policies, and make critical decisions for their country, regions, districts, businesses, researches, etc. Internationally, comparisions become possible as official statistics are produced following international principles, methodologies and standards.
Understanding your role in the production of Official Statistics
- Allow Statistics Botswana to collect various statistical data from your household, business and yourself. The Statistics ACT makes it mandatory for all individuals and organisations to furnish Statistics Botswana with all required information.
- Inform Statistics Botswana of any particular access or other needs so that they can be accommodated.
- Provide feedback about statistical products and services through the Statistics Botswana website, telephone, email, or even walk ins.