Vital Statistics

Vital Statistics cover vital events in the country i.e. Births, Deaths and Marriages. The analysis includes among others, age of mother, marital status, and place of occurrence for births, age at marriage, previous marital status, occupation, and causes of death, age at death, and place of occurrence for deaths.

Indicators Produced include:

  • Percent birth registration
  • Percent health facility deliveries
  • Nuptial Births
  • Crude Birth Rate
  • Sex ratio at birth
  • Mean age at birth
  • Mean age at marriage- bachelor
  • Mean age at marriage – Spinster
  • Crude marriage rate
  • First marriage for both (Percentage)
  • Percent Death registration
  • Infant mortality Rate
  • Crude death rate
Vital Statisctics
Live Births Male number 25,765 24,382
Live Births Female number 25,197 24,082
Totalnumber 50,962 48,464
Total Population (Projections)number 2,140,338 2,359,609
Births (Projected )1number 50,139 50,757
CBR (using registered births)Rate 25 20.5
Sex ratioRatio 102 101.2
Nuptial birthsPercent 16 17.0
Ex-nuptial birthsPercent 84 83.0
A Summary of Marriages-2023
Total marriages 4,789
Quarterly Totals
Jan-March 588
Apr-June 974
July-Sept 1,334
Oct-Dec 1,893
Total 4,789
Previous Marital Status
Bachelor 4,290
Divorced 396
Widowed 103
Total 4,789
Spinster 4,569
Divorced 178
Widowed 42
Total 4,789
Previous Marital Status
First marriage for both 4,159
First marriage for one 541
Remarriage for both 89
Total 4,789
Type of marriage
After Banns 4,761
Special License 28
Total 4,789
Death Indicators 2022Measure2022
Total Population Number 2,422,554
Total deaths (projected) Number 16,695
All current deaths (registered) Number 13,924
Death registration Percent83.4
Neo Natal Mortality RateRate 12.6
Infant deathsNumber1,179
U5 Mortality Rate Rate 27.0
Crude Death Rate (CDR) Rate 5.7
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Rate 24.3
Life expectancy at birth (males)Years72.3
Life expectancy at birth (Females)Years75.9