
Currently only arrivals into and departures from the country data is compiled under tourism statistics. The data is derived administratively from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship arrival/departure forms, which are completed by non-citizens at points of entry and exit. The data is analyzed by month of entry or departure, demographic characteristics, purpose and point of entry, country of residence and nationality, mode of travel etc. The information derived from this data is useful to inform policies, planning and decisions on the development and management of the tourism sector in Botswana, also in monitoring and evaluation for demand and supply considerations within the sector. Other users include research institutions, private sector, domestic and international organizations and the general public. The data serves a variety of purposes, including for marketing and investment decision making.

The Services part measures services transactions between residents and non-residents of the economy and classification of these will be carried out in stages as soon as the section becomes operational.

Indicators compiled include:

  • Tourists by country and continent of Residence
  • Tourists by Purpose of Visit
  • Total arrivals by Country/Residence and Sex
  • Total arrivals by Country of Residence/Nationality and Purpose of Entry
  • Arrivals by Purpose of Entry and Age Group as a Percentage of Purpose of Entry  
  • Total Arrivals by Nationality and Month
  • Total arrivals by Residence and Month
  • Total arrivals by Border Post and Month of Travel
  • Total Arrivals by Mode of Travel
  • Total Arrivals by Month and Quarter for Years 2000 - 2015
  • Total Departures by Border Post and Month
  • Total Departures by Month and Mode of Travel
Tourism Statistics
Tourists by Key Characteristics – 2024 Q1Totals
Total Tourists Arrivals 267,805
Male 179,311
Female 88,494
Purpose of Visit
In Transit 87,112
VFR 58,845
Holiday Tourist 54,874
Business 46,975
Other 19,999
Age Group (years)
Under 15 10,512
15 - 24 15,990
25 - 34 53,499
35 - 44 78,292
45 - 54 55,564
55 - 64 32,463
65+ 21,458
Not known 27
Length of stay
<1 261
1 - 3 99,710
4 - 7 91,395
8 - 14 38,241
15 - 21 9,595
22+ 28,603