Poverty Statistics are compiled using information obtained from household income and expenditure surveys. Data produced are used to provide comprehensive and updated information on incomes, expenditure, poverty datum line and other household characteristics needed for socio-economic planning, monitoring and evaluation processes. Poverty statistics data includes poverty income inequality, consumption patterns, sources of income, proportion and distribution of persons living below poverty datum line, poverty profiles, and distribution of per capita consumption.
Poverty related data has been obtained from conducting household based surveys overtime and the last such survey was conducted in 2009/10. Currently fieldwork for another poverty related survey started in November 2015 and will be concluded in September 2016. Results from that survey are expected in March 2017.
Indicators compiled include:
- Poverty Incidence/Head Count
- Poverty Gap
- Squared Poverty Gap
- GINI Coefficient
- Gross Cash Income
- Gross Income
- Earned Income
- Disposable Cash Income
- Disposable Income
- Cash Consumption Expenditure
- Consumption Expenditure In-Kind
- Total Consumption
- Household Expenditures