

Health Statistics provide data on the health status of the population. Diagnostic information is classified according to the World Health Organization International Classification for Disease (ICD 10. Health Statistics also provide data on health resources and facilities' utilization. 

The information is compiled using service and administrative data from health facilities and supplemented by data collected from household based surveys (Botswana AIDS Impact Surveys, Demographic Health Surveys and Family Health Surveys as well as Population and Housing Census. The statistics include facility service, staffing patterns and access to health services, non-institutional vital events. The non-institutional information is based on reported live births and deaths that occur outside of the formal health system. Reported data are used to calculate the level of outpatient and inpatient morbidity and mortality and examine trends overtime.

Indicators produced include:

  • Statistics on health resources (facilities and personnel),
  • Outpatients (curative services, ante-natal care,
  • Post-natal care, family planning etc.),
  • Inpatients (number of beds,
  • Patients discharges, patient’s days etc.) and mental health care by some demographic characteristics, region, etc.
  • Mortality (including causes) and fertility trends
Health Key Statistics
Maternal Mortality Ratio (2022)
Institutional live births47,27357,29054,15952,24252,99952,20658,14653,22750,605
Non-Institutional live-births20519010811611798989999
Total live-births47,47857,48054,26752,35853,11552,30458,24453,32650,704
Maternal Deaths7273857571877612889
Maternal Morality Ratio (per 100,000 live-births)151.6127.0156.6143.2133.7166.3130.5240.0175.5